
Trampoline training is a great break from traditional cardio training but if you use our sports trampoline for intense exercise, you may be really surprised at the effects.

If you have ever played with children on a garden trampoline, and you liked this kind of fun even though its tiring, consider permanently include the sports trampoline in your training plan. It is smaller, lighter, and more versatile than most popular cardio equipment but still has all the benefits intensity. Exercise bikes, trainers, cross trainers, and steppers all get boring after a while, but with a trampoline you can unleash your inner child and enjoy hours of fun cardio.

What are the effects?

Intensive training on a trampoline is extremely effective due to the number of muscles involved in the work. During an hour of training, up to 5-6 thousand jumps can be made, and this translates into burning up to 800 kcal. This is a better result than most forms of exercise like running, cycling, or training with cardio machines.

What are the benefits of this type of exercise?

  • Activation of deep, core muscles - maintaining the correct position is crucial on a trampoline
  • Improvement of motor coordination
  • Oxygenation of tissues, increased lung efficiency and improved circulation
  • Lose body fat and strengthen the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and abdomen

Is it for everyone? Well…..Not exactly

  • Trampoline training is based on bouncing, and this form of movement is not recommended for everyone. Who might this include?
  • Pregnant women and women who have just given birth
  • People who have problems with joints or have suffered a recent injury
  • People suffering from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases - this activity should always be preceded by a consultation with your doctor

If none of these restrictions apply to you, feel free to plan your trampoline adventure. Remember, however, that this is a new form of effort and requires the body to adapt. So, start with free, fun jumping, and add the acrobatics later as you gain confidence.

Remember to check the weight for which the trampoline is intended before buying a sports trampoline for your home gym. 90kg for example, a common equipment limitation - may not be enough for your dynamic training.

Sample exercises

Training on a trampoline depends not only on your skills, but also on the equipment you train on. The key thing is the handrail - if your trampoline has a handrail, you can do more varied and different combinations of exercises. If not, that's okay - it's still a convenient piece of equipment.

All exercises are based on bouncing - gentle, which resembles rhythmic rocking up and down, and dynamic, when we try to reach the highest possible height and combine it with acrobatics.

Exercise in an upright position, maintaining stabilization by tensing the deep muscles of our core or leaning our hands on the railing - in this position we can sometime really jumps high when the buttocks are higher than the head.

It is worth starting with a simple jog, with time joining skips known from cross-country training or jumping with a clap under the knee.

A popular exercise activating the abdominal muscles is jumping jumps with a twist - in each jump we try to touch the opposite knee with the elbow - the left elbow to the right knee and vice versa.

More ambitious exercises are stretching - a jump in a perfectly upright position with arms raised up or a jump in combination with a bend - with each jump we try to touch our toes with our hands.

There are many exercises, and when we run out of ideas, you can look for inspiration in videos on the Internet. It is important that trampoline exercise should be thoughtful training and part of a wider plan, so, first plan individual types of jumps and later, make them into a series from the simplest to the most demanding. Of course, do not forget a solid warm-up and stretching after training.

Worth a try at a club

If you have never jumped on a trampoline and you have no idea how to use this device, take part in classes at a local club under the supervision of an instructor. It is enough to attend the class a few times to see if this form of exercise suits you and how to train on the equipment safely.