
The essence of strength training is to perform exercises with weights. Therefore, for those practicing strength training, equipment like dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, or even training bars on which your own body weight is used are key. This type of training is suitable for people who want to sculpt their body, burn fat or increase strength. To achieve the intended training goal, it is crucial to choose the right weight.

First, the technique

Many people, starting their adventure with strength training, overestimate their abilities and pile on too much weight on the bar. The result can often be very unpleasant injuries that can even completely exclude you from practicing any physical activity while you recover.

Initial workouts with too much weight can often discourage further ones also due to high soreness and lack of visible effects. Therefore, the first step should always be learning how to do the exercises correctly. Only after mastering the exercise technique should, you look for the optimal weight. Most often, there are situations where women choose too light weights, while men, on the contrary, try to cope with too heavy weights.

Optimal Weight

Choosing a good weight is not easy because it depends on many aspects. Whilst the training goal should be considered, the type of muscle group that we want to train is also a key factor. Large muscle groups that require a longer effort need different stimuli, and smaller muscles that like short but intense training behave differently. In any case, you should strive to achieve maximum muscle fatigue, but always remember to keep the technique. If you lose form on the last reps, reduce the weight. However, if you do not feel muscle fatigue during the last few reps, you can go ahead and increase the weight. After a few training sessions, the exercising person should no longer have problems with choosing the right weight.

There are different training methods, so starting in the gym is not always easy. Sometimes it is worth asking for help from a trainer who will individually prepare a training plan tailored specifically to the needs of the person exercising.