
Do you work in a home office? It’s time for a break!
You need a minimum of 15 minutes to feel better after being sat working for prolonged periods of time. Instead of drinking another cup of coffee, instead of reaching for something sweet, open the window and do some simple exercises to help you feel revitalized and concentrate on the rest of your work.

How to exercise during a short break?

Keep it casual and relaxed - like children who run outside during a break at school to move around a bit. This is not a training session, but a dose of activity to make you feel better and to boost your energy levels. Don't approach this feeling as if you MUST do something. There is no training plan here. Don't do strenuous exercise that requires you to warm up your muscles and joints first. You don't need any tools or weights. Excessive exercise increases your risk of injury.

Simple exercise ideas

Step 1. Boxing or Rompers
Boxing run is a combination of jogging, whilst at the same time jabbing your arms, like boxing - alternating extending each of the arms forward. You should try to run as dynamically as possible, the higher we raise our knees, the more effort we will make, the more we get our heart going. One minute of such "sparring" is enough for the heart rate to accelerate and you to get the energy boost you need. Another option is star jumps. Stand with your feet slightly apart, keeping your body upright and straight. At the same time, as we jump, we widen our legs and raise our hands above the head. Then we return to the starting position and repeat the whole activity for a comfortable amount of time.

Note, if a minute is too long, shorten the exercise. You be able to extend this time in a few days with regular practice.

Step 2. A moment of rest and simultaneous dynamic stretching against the wall
Stand with your back to the wall so that your buttocks, back, and head are in contact with it. Extend your arms to the sides perpendicular to your body so that the back of your hand, elbow, and upper arm are touching the wall. Slowly raise both arms upwards at the same time so as not to lose contact with the wall. When your hands meet above your head, return to the starting position. Remember not to lose contact with the wall.

Step 3.
Several push-ups (they can be done with knees lowered if you are struggling with full reps). Do 10-15 push-ups. As much as you can do correctly. One set is enough.

Step 4.
More dynamic stretching. We stand facing the wall at a distance so that with our arms outstretched, we could just touch the wall. Then we rest our hands against the wall at shoulder height. We raise one leg straight at the knee, pulling it aside as far as possible (left leg to the left and vice versa), and then perform a controlled swing inwards so that the left leg is on the right side of our torso. We repeat several times with one leg, then with the other. Try to stabilize the body with your core muscles, and not against the wall. It's just a there as a backup.

Step 5.
Alternate leg lifting in a standing position. Stand steadily with your hands on your hips. Raise one leg forward, perpendicular to the ground. Stop the motion and without changing your position, bend the knee to create a right angle between the thigh and the lower leg. Hold it here for a while, straighten your knee again, come back to the starting position. Do the same exercise on the other leg. Try to stay stable all the time by tensing your abdominal, back and buttocks muscles.

Seems easy right? That's how it should be. This is not competitive training but a break for a portion of exercise. Now, drink water and go back to work feeling fresh and energized.

What else can you do to feel better?

Many people already do this, which is why in some office’s employees use balls instead of computer chairs, but is this a good idea? The answer is yes if we use it in moderation. If we change our chair for a ball for an hour, we will activate our deep, core muscles, because unstable ground will require us to maintain an upright position and tense our abdominal and back muscles. However, this has its drawbacks - the ball does not relieve the pressure on the lower back, it does not support the shoulders and neck, as well as a well-chosen, ergonomic computer chair. So, use the ball sparingly and just to alternate your position throughout the day.

Don't just sit staring at the phone.

Use this time to walk around the room or you’re building if you can. Climb stairs on your toes or walk on your heels. Tighten your abs and buttocks. Anything and everything helps and these kinds of isometric exercises can be done without much effort and certainly without being out of breath, meaning often you can do this whilst on the phone and still working!