
Can you feel younger by exercising? Definitely. Even a minimal improvement in strength, flexibility or endurance can make us feel better, make us ready for new challenges.

First of all ... posture and deep muscles

If you want to feel younger and have more energy, straighten your back, tighten your shoulder blades, raise your head. Control your posture while sitting, standing, and walking. Use isometric exercises during your daily activities - tighten your buttocks and abdominal muscles when moving. If you have a good muscular feeling, you can tense your back, chest and leg muscles as well. This practice of stretching allows you to feel your whole body better. It is also necessary to take care of your deep muscles, i.e. those that are responsible for your posture - abdominal muscles, pelvic floor, and abdominal muscles. They protect the spine and relieve it during various movements, preventing dangerous overloads, especially in your lumbar region. At least twice a week, perform a few exercises (plank, is ideal) to strengthen these extremely important, although invisible muscles.

Second ... a lot of stretching

The sensation of limited movement, muscle and joint pain very often results from stretching too rarely. We usually remember to do this after training, but our body makes a lot of movements during the day. Maintaining the same position for several hours, e.g. while sitting at a desk, does not make us feel better either. A few-minute session of stretching the muscles in your legs and the back will improve this range of motion and help eliminate pain.

A good option is to practice yoga or Pilates. Performing a few exercises each day can greatly improve your comfort day to day.

Third ... a little bit of motor features

Most motor skills are easiest to develop in childhood and adolescence. This is the case with flexibility, jumping and speed. But endurance or strength are features that depend on training experience, and you can work on them regardless of age. To feel younger, you need to plan your physical activity so that it includes exercises to improve all your motor skills. Of course, we are unlikely to be as flexible as a seven-year-old child, but we can definitely improve where we are. Check out our previous articles on each of your motor traits and learn how to plan a good training plan.

Fourth ... interval training

The training that scientists believe significantly affects the rejuvenation of the body is HIIT, i.e. high-intensity interval training. Instead of regular, long activity at a similar level of intensity, it is better to choose a short training plan, based on intervals and a variety of exercises than just sustained activity. If we practice briefly (maximum 30 minutes) and we alternate various exercises - sprint, stationary bike riding, squats, lunges, and jumps we can see far greater results than just a long run for example. This method allows you to burn fat intensively and gives better results than long-term cardio training. And above all, it gives a sense of making a specific effort.

Fifth ... new forms of activity

When we become aware of a decline in performance, we most often say, "I need to get back to exercise." Why come back? Isn't it better to try something completely new? Instead of recreating the same type of exercise, it is better to surprise the body with a new form of activity. Dancing instead of a swimming pool or climbing instead of tennis. By learning new movements, we activate many muscle groups and improve coordination. Even if the training initially does not seem as exhausting as an hour of struggling with weights in the gym, we will gain new skills. And that always cheers you up.

Sixth ... a little effort also has great power

NEAT stands for Spontaneous Physical Activity. That is, one that does not fit into the planned training units and is also movement based. Going on foot or by bike to shop instead of by car. Vacuuming or moving the furniture. Stairs instead of an elevator. A brisk march instead of taking the last part of your commute by bus. These small activities seem inconspicuous, but they allow you to burn extra calories and, above all, keep your body active in a way that is not as strenuous.